Garden Ideas for a Shade Garden
Not all plants thrive in the same location. On holiday in the Meditteranean you see lavender and rosemary enjoying the sunshine. These plants will not thrive in any location, they will not be happy in the shade. They revel in the sun of the mediterranean.
There are beautiful plants that do enjoy the shade and give off beautiful scents. Here are some garden ideas for a Shade in the Winter
Garden Ideas for Shade
Daphne Aumarginata is a lovely evergreen shade shrub and provides a beautiful scent in the winter months.
Sarcocca confuxa the Christmas Box is a fantastic plant for semi shade. It can be a hedge or a single shrub and the beautiful honey scent is delightful when planted near a door.
A larger shrub is Winter Sweet Chimoneanthus praecox. Chimonanthus literally means winter flower in Greek. This shrub can grow to be quite large so plant carefully. It is a good back of the border plant. If however you can plant it back of the border near an area that you will walk past you will be delighted. On sunny days in the cold winter months you will enjoy the the delightul fragrance. The scent is a sweet spicy scent and it is surprising that the smell comes from such small flowers.
For some smaller ground cover plants the Helleborus orientalis is delightful and if you remove the leaves the flowers look increadible this time of the year. If you live near Woodstock a local nursery has some lovely Hellebores Bunkers Hill
If you are looking for some garden ideas for a Shade Garden please feel free to contact us